A downloadable game

In this Game you follow the story of a man that is searching his wife and his kids. They all disappeared in an abondend indoor playground. This indoor playground is themed after the four seasons with its mascots named Sally Spring, Siggi Summer, Frederick Fall and Willy Winter. You need to break in this playground and explore it to find your children and wife ( with no keycards!!!). You get the help from your friendly winter stick. With that stick, you can create ice blocks on which you can jump on.

Spawn BlockLeft Mouse Button






<a href="<a href=" https:="" www.freepik.com="" free-photo="" white-texture_946233.htm#query="paper%20texture&position=0&from_view=keyword&track=ais"">Image" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/white-texture_946233.htm#query=paper%20textur...</a> by bedneyimages on Freepik






SeasonParkVersion1.1.0.zip 768 MB

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That was a great game!The mechanics the Mascots!Great!Good job!Keep it up!

neat concept but the wand is so hard to use

Great Job

The ice stick has to be the worst mascot horror gimmick I've ever had the displeasure of using.

For starters, it seems like the game randomly decides when my clicks dictate the creation of platforms. Click on the floor? Nothing? Click on the floor, in a slightly different area! BOOM, ice block.

My next complaint is that the aiming reticle is non-existent. I think having a big, colorful reticle would be a massive improvement.

I don't think the game is completely bad - Willie Winter's monster design looks great - but the mechanic bogged the entire experience down.


The blocks only spawn when there is nothing in range. The range ended prp a bit above the the ground

Cool game! A couple suggestions…

1. Include lore in the game. If not for the game description, we really wouldn’t understand why the player is there. Some kind of voice over at the beginning or something would help immerse the player better.

2. The platform creation concept is great! Difficult to execute though. I think something as simple as making the aiming reticle brighter, like in Poppy Playtime, would help the player to know exactly where they’re launching the platform.

Keep up the good work! I look forward to your future projects!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

This Mascot Horror game was surprisingly scary!! Especially the part when I answered the questions right and Willy still got me 🤣🤣🤣 W game ,the mechanic was way better than any other Mascot Horror games so far because it's actually challenging amd fun.I can't wait to play more of your games on my channel!!! 

Thanks for playing!

Sure thing! I really liked the Platform Mechanic.I hope this game gets more playthroughs.I know the part in the game where you have to reach the very top can be difficult,but hopefully people give it a chance.Also,I'd be honored if you commented on my video.It'd be nice to get your thought as the game developer!

sure thing i can do that. And I also hope this gets more playthroughs since my downloades and views on this game are reallly low, which is sad

I usually get more views when i make my playthroughs into Shorts.Honestly your game deserves alot of support.I wrote more in my description instead of Oh deer.Hopefully people read it and play the game for themselves.